Mayfield Town Park

The Mayfield Town's park facilities are available to groups and citizens to reserve for family gatherings, group parties, picnics, meetings, or other events.

There are 2 Park pavilions available for rent.  Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis and a fee is required. Please see the link at the bottom of the page for the reservation form.

Rental Fees
$75.00/day or $35/half day for Residents $100.00 for Non-resident, Clubs $35.00/month for 1 day per month,  plus a $200 refundable cleaning deposit.

Please call the Town Hall at 528-5061 for reservations

NOTE: There is no overnight camping allowed at Mayfield Town Park



Contact Info

Catherine Bartholomew
Park questions or concerns
[email protected]

Photo Credit: Pat Wichael