Mayfield Town Hall

Mayfield Town Hall is your resource for information and questions about our local government as well as services offered in our community.  Home to the Mayor and Town Council and all other service departments, we welcome you to our town and encourage you to call or stop by during business hours

Rental Fees

$75.00 per day $35/ 1/2 day (10-3 or 4-9) for residents and $150.00 per day for non-resident, along with a $200 refundable cleaning deposit. Please see the rental application for more information. We have a fully stocked kitchen available for your use. 9 round table and 9 rectangular tables with chairs (each seat 8). No items shall leave the building.  The Town Hall is not intended to be used as sleeping quarters.  Please follow the directions posted in the building.
Please complete the rental application and submit it for reservations.




Mayfield Town Hall

Frequently Asked Questions

What hours is the Town Hall open?

Monday-Wednesday 9am- 2pm for Payments with Krista

Tuesday-Wednesday 9am-4pm & Thursdays 2pm-5pm for Amanda

Closed on Holidays.

If you need assistance outside of these hours, please call or text Amanda at 851-7030.